Summertime is when we see new and up-and-coming young skaters from across the globe. This is also a great time to check up on your skateboard to see if there's a need to replace a component or your entire board to ensure safe and enjoyable rides.
For the newcomer, there's always a bit of a struggle between choosing from branded boards and components, since budget is also often a constraint. However, many well-seasoned skate brands know exactly what each and every skater needs when it comes to their range of products and offerings. Not all branded skateboards and parts are expensive, so there's always a good chance of finding high-quality boards, hardware and accessories even on a small budget.
Among the many well-known brands in the skateboard industry is Mini Logo. The company is known for the quality of their skate decks and hardware, as well the great price points they offer to all riders.
This is why we are stoked to announce the arrival of the Mini Logo Complete Skateboards, Decks and Wheels Summer 2023 drop here at the Yakwax store! Make sure to check this latest drop before skating away this season.
To learn more about Mini Logo skateboard wheels and decks, check out the rad videos below
The 411 on Mini Logo A and C Cuts with Jersey Mike
Check out these Mini Logo Pattern Series Decks - great new additions to your shredding gear this season