While it is still relatively warm and enjoyable to ride the waves, it's also a great time to upgrade or update your existing gear and surf accessories. Surfing, in particular, will always require items that are either replaceable or upgradeable due to wear and tear.
Among the most sought-after products are surfboard repair kits or quick fix solutions especially if you surf regularly. Your board, no matter how careful you ride, may get damaged whether you like it or not. So, it's always handy to have your trusted surfboard repair kit, putty, or a curation of various repair products you've tried and tested, in your travel bag whenever you head out to catch the waves.
Typically, the smaller items in your surfing adventures will need replenishing over time, and others may require replacement to enhance your riding skill and performance. Your surfboard leash is another item that may not require immediate replacement, but it's ideal to always have a spare piece or two just in case it gets tangled or lost in the water.
Most of the time, you will need certain items for convenience such as dry bags for your clean/dry clothes, and waterproof casing to protect your mobile phone. These items come in handy especially for those long road trips to your favourite surfing locations. Dry bags and wet bags keep your clean clothes and wetsuit, board shorts and the likes separate and organised as you travel to and from your surfing destination. And if you can't keep your phone away from you, a waterproof case will keep it dry at all times.
If you're on the hunt for new surfing necessities, check out the Branded Surfing Essentials and Accessories Spring-Summer 2023 Drop here at the Yakwax store. We have a great selection of items from top brands Ding All surf repair, Global surf accessories, and NSP surfing equipment. All with FREE UK delivery when you order at Yakwax!