Skate wear should always be comfortable no matter the season. During the warmer months, you will find lots of riders and outdoorsy people wearing light, airy and loose clothing - from tees, tank tops, shorts, loose/baggy pants, and caps. These items can be mixed and matched with outerwear when the cooler months are around, to add a layer of protection from the weather and for added warmth.
Wearing something comfortable became a standard for skaters, since it is easier to move in them while shredding the streets and parks. Same goes for other sports and outdoor activities involving a lot of gear manoeuvring and body movement. Flexibility is among the primary considerations when you're involved in any type of activity, so choosing the right apparel and accessories is as important.
If you're needing new getup for your next shredding sessions, it's best to look for branded skate clothing and accessories. Skate brands always have new and exciting collections every season, and they offer plenty of options to suit every style and age. Here at Yakwax we carry a number of skate brands that are renowned all over the world for their style, designs and innovations.
This is why we are stoked to announce the arrival of the Branded Skate Apparel and Accessories 2024 Drop here at the Yakwax store! Brands like Helas, Home Boy, Obey, RipNDip, Huf, Stance, Rusty, Welcome and Volcom are included in this latest collection. They all offer a wide variety of men's tops, men's bottom wear, hats/caps, and boys' apparel. Make sure to get your next shredding getup here at Yakwax - all with FREE UK delivery!
Check out these rad videos featuring some of the brands/products in this collection...
The Homeboy "baggy pants" squad visits Belgium
Tyler Bledsoe's latest Huf capsule featuring flash art on classic pieces