When you're planning for long shredding days this spring, your board should be well-kitted for every opportunity. While a good quality surfboard can last for many years of use, the complementary gear/accessories should be assessed before you head out for your next surfing adventure. These items usually last several months, depending on how often you surf.
The normal wear and tear of surfboard gear and accessories will prompt you to regularly check and/or replace them whenever necessary. For riders who are simply looking for quality gear, Gorilla Surf and Ocean & Earth surf products are two of the world's renowned brands that resonate among pros and amateurs alike. They are known for innovative designs and materials used on their surf products, which make them the go-to for riders.
This is why we are stoked to announce the arrival of the Gorilla Surf and Ocean & Earth Surfboard Gear Spring 2022 drop. You'll find superb leashes and traction pads for your board on this collection, so make sure to check it out!
Below is our top five picks from the Gorilla Surf and Ocean & Earth Surfboard Gear Spring 2022 delivery
The Ocean and Earth 9ft Regular Leash (Lime) is the perfect option for your longboard. This leash has the right amount flex and weight, which can benefit your riding style and comfort.
The Gorilla Surf Warp Mid Heritage Front Foot Traction Pad (Charcoal) is perfect for riders who need a grippy surface for all-direction riding. This is a durable traction pad that offers superb grip, groove pattern and kick.
The Ocean and Earth 6ft Regular Leash (Pink) is what you need on your next surfing adventure. This vibrant 6-ft leash provides flexibility and strength, without diminishing comfort while riding.
When you ride a narrow-tailed board, the Gorilla Surf Skinny Three Surfboard Tail Pad (Saturn) is the perfect option. This rad tail pad provides ample grip to your feet, as well as proper board control and sensitivity.
The Ocean and Earth 7'6 Barry Longboard Surfboard Bag Cover (Silver/Red) is a must-have especially for the travelling surfer. This board bag protects and keeps your surfboard in good condition while travelling, or when keeping indoors.
The ultimate enjoyment of surfing also depends on the condition of your board and gear. So it's a must to keep your surfboard gear in check even before you head out to the next surfing destination. The Gorilla Surf and Ocean & Earth Surfboard Gear Spring 2022 drop has a great range of products to complement your existing board and riding style. All with FREE UK delivery here at Yakwax!