Starting the year right with a great selection of surf gear, accessories and other essential items should be your top priority. If you haven't found the items you need on your next surfing trip, this is the best time to do so.
Before planning your next adventure, make sure to check if everything you need for surfing (or any outdoor activity, for that matter) is available and in topnotch condition. There are times that some items are overlooked, which can cause some delays or serious problems along the way.
Good thing there are plenty of brands that offer the best quality surfboard leashes, travel bags/backpacks, dry bags, and other essential surf and outdoor adventure accessories. Among the most resonating brands today is Dakine. The brand is primarily known for surf, skate and snow bags, outerwear and accessories, among many other related products.
This is why we are stoked to announce the arrival of the Dakine January 2022 Drop right here at Yakwax! This is no ordinary delivery from one of our favourite brands - it is our first massive delivery for the year, and we are super excited to share what's in store for you!
Browse below for our top five picks from the Dakine January 2022 delivery
When it's time to replace your favourite surf leash, the Dakine 6ft Pro Comp Surfboard Leash (Electric Tropical) is a great option. This leash is designed with durability and comfort in mind, plus efficiency and performance rolled into one superb leash.
Provide your schooler with a Dakine Kids 5L Lunch Bag (Solstice Floral) to ensure his/her lunch/snack is properly packed and will not end up crushed or flatten. This lunch bag also has a soft-sided cooler to keep beverages cool until lunch/snack time.
The Dakine Packable Rolltop Dry Bag 30L Dry Bag (Sun Flare) is a lightweight and breathable high-capacity bag that can keep a full wetsuit, boots and gloves. This vibrant dry pack is water-proof and durable.
When you hate blisters and chaffing on your feet as result of getting in contact with your bodyboard's fins, the Dakine Neoprene Fin Socks (Black) are the solution. These fin socks keep your feet comfortable and protected from such discomforts, whilst letting you enjoy more bodyboarding sessions.
A must-have accessory especially during the warmer months of spring to summer is the Dakine Mission Snapback Cap (Port Red). This cool, minimally designed cap is versatile, lightweight and comfortable to wear.
There are plenty of options from the Dakine January 2022 Drop that you will find useful and appropriate for your next outdoor adventure. Whether for yourself or the youngsters in the family, there's something for everyone in this latest drop from Dakine. All with FREE UK delivery at Yakwax!